Digital café leading by example

In my case, for many years I have accepted coffees from people who asked me for my opinion on their projects, advice on developing their careers, etc. Now I am also offering them. When faced with a serious problem or situation, we often have the tendency to work harder to solve it. And this is what we must do, but being aware that we cannot do it alone. That is why we must seek the support of others. That is why, in these moments of deep crisis, is when we need help the most. For this reason, I have launched Café Digital .

Digital networking: asynchronous and delocalized

So far we have tried several ways to do it: social networks (mainly LinkedIn ), webinars or digital events (not the same), databases, etc. I have talked about its advantages and disadvantages throughout this article. The summary is that they don’t quite work. How could we top industry data improve what is current? We need a tool or platform that makes it easier for us, filters and allows us to make high-value contacts. It is still in full evolution, but a platform format that is beginning to respond to these needs is Lunchclub . It is a platform that was born in 2017 with the aim of helping us create a network of valuable contacts.

Digital networking applications

Whether with LunchClub or another platform. Digital networking properly understood allows us to think about Phone Number IT different applications: Continued networking for platform users. Networking at events: it would allow us to create a qualified database that allows us to start networking before the event and for meetings to take place during (in-person or virtual). And also monitor and retain attendees. Integration with social networks or communities: can you imagine how networking on LinkedIn would change if it had this functionality? Creation of a social network based on this concept: this is where Lunchclub can evolve or it can be created from scratch with a new initiative.

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