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Jung von Matt takes charge of Opel’s European advertising account

Jung von Opel changes driver to direct its advertising account on the old continent. The German automobile manufacturer has decided to entrust the management of this account to the Matt HAVEL agency , which will replace McCann as Opel’s lead agency. Matt HAVEL ‘s office in Berlin will be the headquarters from which the German agency will lead, starting next January, the advertising actions of Opel and its British subsidiary Vauxhall in all the European markets where the company operates.

The account that Jung von Matt has won includes both strategic positioning

To serve the Vauxhall brand, top industry data Matt will also open a new office in London (Jung von Matt/Thames). The size of which is yet to be determined. Although headquartered in Hamburg. Germany, Matt also has offices in China. South Korea and the United States. McCann, which until now managed Opel’s European advertising account through the Velocity McCann unit. Employed more than 100 people to meet the needs of the German automobile manufacturer. In the “pitch” to get hold of the Opel account. Whose value is estimated between 8 and 10 million euros , apart from Matt, McCann and Accenture Song took part.

With the help of Jung von Matt Opel will give impetus to its commitment to electromobility

The exact duration of the contract that Phone Number IT will soon unite the designs of Matt and Opel is unknown. Initially it was thought that the duration was going to be one year. But it is unlikely that Jung von Matt would have ventured to open a London subsidiary without having a long-term contract with Opel. In the pitch. Matt HAVEL would have benefited from the automotive industry experience of the agency’s two creative directors. Lukas Liske and Daniel Schweinzer, who have worked for the Smart brand for many years. Beyond Liske and Schweinzer. Creative directors Daniel Schäfer and Szymon Rose. Both from the David+Martin agencies, will also work for Opel.

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