How to increase your store’s turnover without attracting more traffic from Google

Bill more. It is one of the great challenges for any store. When you have already gone through a maturity phase, climbing positions on Google to increase income is increasingly complicated. At this point you have to get your act together to look for alternatives that will allow you, if not to increase, at least to improve your billing.

Buy visits on social ads platforms How to increase your store’s

Buy visits on social ads platforms Following this blog, we could category email list not miss the option of buying traffic on social ads platforms . Since we are talking about alternatives to Google, it makes no sense to mention Adwords because you are probably already doing this. Without a doubt one of the most powerful ways to attract traffic and sales is Facebook Ads . It can always serve as an alternative if carrying out SEM campaigns becomes less and less profitable. 

Increase the margin of your products more traffic from Google

Increase the margin of your products Here it depends a little on thePhone Number IT model you are carrying out in your online store. Basically you can sell physical or digital products. In the first case , you either have the product in stock or you work with a Dropshipping supplier . In both cases you have to enter into negotiations with the company that provides you with the products.

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