Case examples from B2B and B2C companies

A company working in sales and marketing offers courses to other companies. Summer is not a season, so they wanted to take a break from advertising on social media completely for the summer months. However, it would inevitably have happened here that when the season started in the fall, we would have had to go back.

This is because, for example, brand visibility would have been completely lost, or gathering that cold audience and leading, teaching and persuading them towards conversion would not have been successful right after the season started. 

Therefore, we dropped the majority of the budget for the summer

We kept the content that worked best for branded Canada Phone Number List advertising and driving traffic on. In this way, we were able to collect a nice amount of traffic to the site and increase brand visibility. Which allowed us to target audiences at the start of the season and to tailor courses that were just right for them after the season started.

The company advertises heavily on social media throughout the year. This has been achieve because at the point when the season starts, we are at the top of the customers’ minds.

Phone Number List

” Company Y’s business is focused on building technology roofing products, the season of which falls in the fall . However, advertising runs throughout Phone Number IT the year without a break, the main focus just changes. The company does, for example, an annual winter support campaign, which is launch in the fall. This aims to get work for the winter months from the busyness of the summer. In the winter, we also advertise in order to stay ahead of our competitors and build awareness.

Anticipate the reduction of the budget comprehensively – don’t beat it to its euro B2B and B2C companies

You should keep a small buffer in case of B2B and B2C companies unexpected household expenses. In the off-season, REACH advertising is, in general, clearly cheaper than targeting the REMA audience, i.e. the already warm audience. This gives you an edge over your competitors.

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