Prospecting through Cold-Emailing

Cold Emailing is a very popular method because it’s faster and less expensive than Cold-Calling. Many platforms such as lemlist, Sendinblue, or Mailchimp allow you to send personalized mailings to your database.

What if you don’t have your prospect’s email? Dropcontact’s algorithms generate it for you in a few minutes!

The advantages of Cold-Emailing

  • Cheap: emailing platforms allow you to send several tens, even hundreds, and thousands of emails at the same time, at a lower cost!
  • Combine the sendings to reach several prospects at the same time  be careful to segment your target to adapt your speech

There is a multitude of ways to approach Egypt Phone Numbers your prospects to best fit your recipient. You can for example use the AIDA method, an acronym for Attention, Interest, Action, and Desire, which aims at soliciting these 4 factors to close your sale.

Egypt Phone Numbers

The disadvantages of Cold-Emailing

  • The response rate changes according to the recipients (some will never open your emails)
  • Be careful to set up your email domain to avoid spamming your prospect and damaging your domain’s reputation! We show you how to do it here
  • It can be difficult to stand out among other companies that practice Cold-Email
  • Be careful to respect the rules imposed by the CNIL concerning the RGPD, we will introduce them later!

If you (still) have a doubt about which prospecting technique to use, discover our Cold-Emailing VS Cold-Calling comparison

Prospecting by mail

To give a “vintage” aspect to your prospecting, you can choose the “paper” support as mail, flyer, or any other physical communication to arouse the curiosity of your targets.

The benefits of prospecting by mail

  • Being creative: you have the ability to create multiple types of mail
  • The mail read rate is significantly higher than emails (the mail read rate is 90%!)
  • Writing a letter is more likely to establish a close relationship between your prospect and you, they will feel “special” and will be more likely to contact you again later

The disadvantages of prospecting by mail

  • Very expensive alternative: count about 1€ for the printing Australia Phone Number List and sending of a professional mail
  • Sending a mail pollutes (printing, transport, etc.) at a time when mentalities are changing: the green is the order of the day
  • It is sometimes difficult to obtain the postal address of a prospect, failing that, you can address your mail in the offices of the company

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