Strategy is like a compass. Let’s choose a direction and stick to it. Of course, you must be ready to make changes if the operating environment changes significantly, and the marketing strategy is no longer suitable for the current market. But individual campaigns of competitors, small changes in the market or individual wishes of customers must not destabilize the marketing strategy. In this case, marketing would become completely reactive, which eventually leads to confusion and the loss of the direction defined in the strategy.
One function of the strategy
is to facilitate decision-making. It went through a case example where the airline had aligned one sentence as its business strategy: We are the low-fare airline.
This kind of alignment facilitates decision-making, brands the company, gives it a competitive advantage and clearly positions it as a certain kind of airline. With the alignment, anyone from the company’s staff could think about whether a development proposal contributes to our strategy or not.
And now comes an important point. Many might think that the customer experience suffers and the flight is not as comfortable when there is no salad Qatar Phone Numbers List or other food on offer. But if the airline had started serving salads, they wouldn’t have followed their strategy. Little by little, they would have accepted other requests and returned to being a completely identical operator with other airlines without any distinguishing factors.
A good strategy is therefore choosing which battles you want to win and which you can safely lose. This same idea should also be applied to the marketing strategy.
Case example: The theme of the marketing strategy is ease and comfort
We created a marketing strategy for a B2C company, in which we described buyer personas , brightened the brand’s look and created a new value proposition. The company operates in an industry that is a typical “compulsory evil” industry, i.e. customers don’t actually rush to shop, but rather do it out of necessity.
The company was also aware of this and had started to change its operating models so that working with them would be as easy as possible. They had also created new technological solutions that made the customer’s purchase process and service usage easier.
We chose as the theme of the marketing strategy that we need to emphasize ease and comfort in all the marketing we do AND tie it to the company’s distinguishing factors. That is, how the Phone Number IT differentiating factors and competitive advantages of the company in question enable ease and comfort for the customer. In other words, we turned the company’s competitive advantages into customer benefits.
This kind of strategic alignment makes it much easier to come up with new ideas, make decisions and put things into practice. It makes marketing more focused and starts to create the desired brand image among the selected target group. “It’s the one with whom it’s easy”