When does it make sense to combine a physical store with an online store

I have now been creating online businesses for a little over a decade . It is something that I have been good at and has allowed me not to have to depend on an employed job. physical businessPhoto rights to Fotolia In search of new synergies, the idea of ​​combining an office with a premises to have a showcase for our products arose.

Does it make sense to combine a physical store When

Does it make sense to combine a physical store with an industry email list online store? These are my reflections: The combination may make sense if having a location does not imply a significant increase in costs . A storefront is only useful if you really have a continuous flow of potential buyers ahead of you. I don’t see that it makes much sense to launch an online and offline store from the beginning. Online is a good complement from the beginning if you want to synergies in everything I do.

Right now I am looking for new offices because we are store with an online store

Right now I am looking for new offices Phone Number IT because we are already working like sardines in our office. New projects and companies have emerged so there are three companies sharing a space. At the moment I am not sure if I want to expose myself to the public. Resources must be considered for customer service.

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