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Shorts videos are suitable for the Reach and Engage phases

In SDM, we use our MRACE® model for advertising, which covers all stages of the purchase path, from outreach to measurement. As a form of advertising, short videos are suitable for targeting two different groups: those who do not yet know your product and those who already know it somewhat well. The Reach stage is the stage of creating awareness, which aims to reach customers and attract attention.

After the ad, the viewer must understand what the product or service is about. Often the video starts without sound, so add subtitles if you can at all.

The Engage phase, on the other hand, is the engagement phase for customers who have already purchased after the conversion has taken place. In this phase, we help the customer get the most out of the product or service, share, recommend, leave a review and act as a brand advocate . Engage advertising brings additional purchases, increases the willingness to recommend and increases the value of the customer’s entire life cycle.

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Take advantage of vertical video in different channels

Video production scales easily, following a common red thread through blogs, podcasts, social media posts and advertisements. The benchmark for a good video is not a TV ad, but the most expert and helpful content your organization has produced Costa Rica Phone Number List for customers. If you can create entertainment value, great! Since the beginning of a short video is a very critical factor, it is worth doing a couple of tests on the same video by changing only the first frame. The same video can start with an expert’s talking head, a familiar landscape, a provocative or surprising statement… Feel free to experiment and let the results determine what kind of approach you choose in the final versions and in your next videos.

YouTube advertising is also possible without actual videos

This is not what the emergency looks like. If your organization doesn’t have any video material or a tool for editing videos, Google Ads makes it possible Phone Number IT to make videos from still images. These quick videos can be made inside the Ads tool using Google templates. There are dozens of animated templates with different looks in the selection. Video sizes include horizontal, square and vertical video.

The finish video is saved either to the organization’s own YouTube channel or to a separate YouTube Storage channel. For example, partners can use Storage Channel when they do not want to share the rights of the brand’s channel widely. From there, they are available for Performance Max and Discovery campaigns, among others.

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