Through Microsoft Advertising, you can currently do Bing in Finland, for example, with search word advertising, Shopping product advertising, and display and native advertising in Microsoft’s own Audience network.
These search engine advertising
channels especially affect Reach , which is a critically important first step in the purchase path of your target group. In the Reach phase, users actively search, for example, search engines for information about their needs, which your company’s product or service may offer an answer to.
In addition to Reach, Microsoft’s advertising channels can especially influence the Convert phase, when visitors who have already visited the page are tried to be activated towards a purchase decision, for example by remarketing in the Audience network.
Advertising in Bing works with exactly the same logic as in Google, i.e. the search term you choose for advertising starts, for example, a text search ad or Shopping product ad when the user performs a Bing search. In the future, these ads will presumably appear in increasing numbers also within Bing’s AI chat.
In the traditional search results view, the ad is placed at the Australia Phone Number List top and bottom of the organic search results and on the page , and the price of the advertising is determined based on the click, like Google.
Bing search results view.
From the point of view of the advertiser, however, the most important difference in the advertising of these two search engine giants comes from the search volumes due to their different market shares. Let’s look at a couple of examples.
Google Ads’ forecast of the search volume for example the search term “men’s jackets” is 4,400 searches per month in Finland.
Google Ads search volume forecast
Microsoft Advertising’s forecast for the same search term in Bing’s search, on the other hand, is only 160 searches per month.
This is of course just one example, but it reflects relatively well the differences between search engines in Finnish search terms.
Due to smaller search volumes, there are also fewer advertisers on Bing than on Google, especially in the Finnish market, which of course means Phone Number IT less competition and thus also a cheaper click price.
Advertising on Bing is still considerably more cost-effective than advertising on Google with the same search terms.
The differences in click prices can be up to several euros. Due to the consumption of a smaller media budget, conversions are also often significantly cheaper on Bing than on Google.
This makes Bing still quite a profitable channel for reaching your target group, even though the search volumes are lower.