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Justifying marketing decisions using the

Marketing cannot meet the growth goals and strategy of the business. Marketing, sales, communication and the management of the organization all do different things. Cooperation across team boundaries is not sufficient to make it possible to break down as I have noted the goals of the big picture into steps that grow the company.

Marketing measures may not be able to respond

To trends or changes in the competitive situation and customer behavior. The marketing strategy is lacking, in which case the resources used Dominican Republic Phone Number List for marketing may be wasted. It is impossible to justify raising the marketing budget and investing.

If there are no objectives, at a tactical level it can mean that:

  • Are we measuring the wrong things, or maybe the right things, but in the wrong way?

This is how you make it easier to report results to management

The visual marketing Dashboard gives you a quick overview of the marketing measures taken and their results.

Dashboard offers accurate information about the profitability of your different marketing channels and your entire online service and the roles of different channels in your customer’s fragmented buying process.

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With MRACE® Dashboard, as I have noted you can do better, e.g. In these things:

  • You identify and utilize the roles of marketing channels in your customer’s purchase path.

Each marketing channel has its own role in the customer’s purchase path. With MRACE® Dashboard, you know which channels bring the best results at any stage of the purchase path. This way you know how to invest in the channels that are most relevant to your own customers.

  • You will be able to compare different digital Phone Number IT marketing channels and spend your budget on the most productive channels, taking into account the role of the channel as a whole and the goals set for it in the purchase path.
  • No many separate pdf reports, but all data in one as I have noted place in an easy-to-understand format.

Dashboard makes it easier to compare the results of as I have noted different marketing channels when you can find the data of all channels in the same place in a uniform format. By comparing channel-specific results, you will know exactly where you should focus your marketing budget in the future and you will be able to justify your views and decisions to management easily and comprehensibly.

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