Among the various bank crit card options on the market, do you know that each bank has at least 3 or more crit cards? Different types will have different rewards. Hey, don’t say no one told you about this benefit, it has always been in our lives, but we haven’t discover it.
On weekends, we want to go
To a nice restaurant with our family; we want to have a Qatar Phone Numbers List cold drink after work; we occasionally buy some unnecessary but happy things online. These are some of the ways most people relax. When we usually pay, we just use e-wallets or cash to pay the cashier.
However, some restaurants or soda shops always have promotions at the counter, and those promotions can only be obtain by using a crit card. Coffee Bean or Starbucks is a familiar example.
Companies you may be interest in
We all drive to work, date, travel, and visit friends. So, when Argentina Phone Number List you fill up your gas tank every week, have you ever thought, “It would be nice if I could get a discount every time I fill up my gas tank, so the oil price fluctuating so much every week?”
Actually, yes! Shell, Petronas, and Petron all have their own bank credit cards. Some are Cashback Credit Cards, and some are Bonus Point Reward Credit Cards (which are points that can be redeemed for gifts or any good stuff).