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The marketing strategy basis for digital sales

The purchasing basis for digital sales processes of you, me and all of us have become much digitalized. They will be digitize more in the future as well. Even more important is what digitization has done to our purchasing processes: it has made them more independent.

The independence of purchasing processes means that customers do much more background research than before. According to research, they go through approx. 57% of the purchase process independently before contacting the company. This has also Portugal Phone Number List changed the role of sales from the creator of the need to the facilitator of the change the customer wants. In the context of marketing, we always think that buying is the customer’s desire to change something, and selling is the facilitation of the customer’s desire change.

The purchase processes run independently without the salesperson’s help in the selection phase. The customer has therefore weeded out several operators and only contacts the operators that sound the best of all.
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In practice, the independence of the purchasing process can be seen like this

  • The customer recognizes the need to buy either by himself or through advertising and starts searching for relevant information
  • The customer starts to determine what properties the product must have or what the product must be able to do
  • The customer researches different companies and determines which of them are the most potential partners in his opinion
  • The customer contacts, for example, three companies after eliminating six others

If your company wants to be involved in the customer’s buying process even at the stage when he contacts different companies, then it requires at least one of these: a lot of strategic content created for the target group or a very strong brand.

When your site has a lot of content, reference stories and the thoughts of your experts, the customer will be able to determine whether you would be a suitable partner for them. On the other hand, when your brand is strong and clearly positioned, the customer is more likely to include you in discussions without even examining your site.

A good marketing strategy consists of 7 elements

At this point, I will go into the headlines about what elements a good marketing strategy consists of. Later in this article, I will go through very precisely Phone Number IT and practically how you can build a marketing strategy using the MVG-MRACE® model through these 7 elements.

The role of the brand in the marketing strategy

Your company’s brand is at the center of everything, but it is difficult to set it as a separate part of the marketing strategy because the brand is such a broad topic. It extends to almost every aspect of the future.

The purpose of the marketing strategy is to support and strengthen your brand. If the brand has not been defined, marketing strategy alone cannot begin to define it.

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