On the contrary: in Inbound Marketing, the company helps potential customers through content and, from there, starts a relationship with them — being even more relevant, adding even more value so that they themselves take the first step to buy from company.” Guilherme de Bortoli CEO – Organic Digital In all these years working with Digital Marketing (more than 20!), I have seen that many companies decide not to hire an entire marketing team , either because.
Being a boring company the kind
They are still too small; They have financial limitations; They simply don’t want to outsource their activities. Thus, they end up acting in an unstructur way, using different new data digital tools and generating a lot of confusion without results ! Meanwhile, other companies want to focus on their area of operation and outsource everything outside of it.
Way to attract customers without
These companies, because they delegate 100% of their marketing , tend to be completely absent from the process — and, no matter how professional their suppliers are, they do not have the means to, by far, know enough about the company, its target audience and its solutions. In this whole mess, some companies even give up, thinking that “this Internet thing doesn’t work”… and the competition thanks you ! What do I Phone Number IT want to tell you with all this? In many cases, it is precisely the lack of strategy that causes Digital Marketing to not generate results.