A product before The opportunities change but the principles of advertising are always the same: making your product known to the public, memorization and sales. So today more than ever it is essential to evaluate the use of social networks from a digital advertising perspective but the choice is not so obvious and trivial. The objective is to obtain an effective return on investment. Some numerical data to understand its importance: Facebook has . billion active users per month; Instagram has million monthly active users.
Twitter has reach million
Active users per month; LinkIn has million seo expate bd members; Pinterest has reach million monthly active users; Snapchat has million daily active users; Telegram celebrat million monthly active users. In light of these data, it is inevitable that social mia are and will be an appropriate and strategic asset for any brand. Companies are therefore fac with continuous change, fuel by intense competition between platforms to capture consumers. Platforms that measure performance in different ways, with calculation algorithms that change day by day.
It follows that the quality
Of the content shar on social mia must be treat with Phone Number IT creativity and strategy , if you want to be successful and reach your customers. But even the quantity is not insignificant because it is obvious that the amount of brand content that invades the internet, and consequently people’s lives, can influence their consumption of goods and services. So while on the one hand it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to attract the attention of consumers, at the same time it is necessary to increase the rate of engagement with them. In fact, customers love to share content regarding brands on social mia, but at the same time they also appreciate the responses that companies provide in real time. This interaction is call Zero Moment.