10 Online Marketing Tricks that they NEVER told you about

10 Online Marketing Tricks that they NEVER told you about. Right now I am traveling to Madrid to teach the AulaCM Advanced SEO Course. Therefore, and I would like to tell you some online marketing tips or tricks that are little known and I think you may find them very useful. I already told you that I have tried to summarize as much as possible each of the marketing tricks that I explain in the post, but you will find links where they are explained in more detail.

Scrape updated posts on Facebook

Something you have to know is that social networks. After that, like any website, cache the content you publish for several days. This is a big problem when we want to update old content and change. After that, the featured image, and when sharing on Facebook . Therefore, we get the surprise of that the previous image and content continues to appear. Also, something that has surely happened to you is when you email leads publish. Therefore, a new post on the Blog and you are going to share it on Facebook, and you have the problem of not getting the image. Therefore, or the title and the description, well, this solution is also applicable to this problem.

email leads

Add links to old posts to transmit link juice correctly

Add links to old posts to transmit link juice correctly. Someone may think that this is something already well known to everyone, and it is totally true. Therefore, but many people do not know that when you add one or more Phone Number IT  internal links to old content and click the update button. Therefore, Google can take weeks or even months to detect the change and take those links into account, or worse, might not even detect them. This happens because when Google considers . After that, that the change is negligible with the previous version of the content it has indexed, it literally ignores it.

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