Following the success WhatsApp Business. Of WhatsApp Business on both its mobile app and API. Meta recently announced a fully cloud-based service. The new WhatsApp Business Cloud API offers quite a few benefits over. The current service so the question arises as to whether you have. To pay to access them. Is the new WhatsApp Business Cloud API free. During the announcement of this new tool. It was emphasized that the idea was that all companies could use WhatsApp API Cloud; Its implementation would be simpler. Faster and its use would save maintenance and web hosting costs .

The best CRM integrated WhatsApp Business 

There are many CRMs on the market today, both free and paid. Some more functional than others; However, not all CRMs integrate with WhatsApp through its cloud API, so you should choose one that is compatible.  Therefore, Our recommendation company data is that you invest in Impulsa Sac , one of the most complete CRMs today with 100% guaranteed integration . With this CRM you will be able to access the advantages offered by the new WhatsApp Business Cloud API without additional fees or programming experience. In addition, you will enjoy the benefits of both platforms in a single centralized software adapted to the needs of your company.

Business Cloud API free

During the announcement of this new tool, it was emphasized that the idea was that all companies could use WhatsApp  Therefore, API Cloud; Its implementation Phone Number QA would be simpler, faster and its use would save maintenance and web hosting costs . This is because the company would base its service on its own servers so that users could access them from the cloud; That is, the user would not have to host the API on a particular server, which obviously implies a hosting cost. Additionally, all updates and new features that will be officially released would immediately reach API Cloud users.



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